The Top 7 Apps To Help You Live  A Healthier Lifestyle

The Top 7 Apps To Help You Live A Healthier Lifestyle

Posted by iCoverLover on Feb 09, 2023

One important thing in life is living healthily. Living healthy often involves eating a balanced diet, working out, getting plenty of sleep and doing numerous other things to enhance your well-being. 

Though all of these are often helpful, you can quickly run out of ideas such as food recipes, workout tips, and so on. This is why some developers decided to create apps that will help you live a healthier lifestyle, reduce anxiety and work on improving your headspace. 

Setting goals is an important part of living a healthier lifestyle, and apps can be a great tool to help you stay on track and reach those goals by providing reminders, tracking progress, and encouraging you to stay motivated. 

Check out our selection of mobile apps that might make your goal towards a healthier lifestyle a bit easier to achieve.

Healthy Lifstyle

Stress Management & Mental Health

Wellness is an important factor to consider when it comes to stress management, as it can help to reduce stress levels and promote a healthier lifestyle by providing users with the tools and resources to practice self-care, such as meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. Below are some apps that provide content and exercises for stress management and mental health. 


Happify is an app that was created to help you manage your stressful life in order to live well. This app has diverse tools that can be used by a lot of users to control their thoughts and offer techniques for behavioural therapy.

Happify provides you with effective tools and programs to manage your emotions and thoughts. Their techniques, backed by research in positive psychology, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioural therapy, are crafted by top scientists and experts with decades of experience.


Another app that can be used to manage stress is Calm. This app was made to provide features that will keep you calm when you're over-stressed with lots of activities.

Calm is for everyone, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned meditator. Take a mental break, enjoy soothing sounds or have a peaceful sleep. Their guided meditations range from 3 to 25 mins to fit your schedule. Daily 10-minute Daily Calm, Sleep Stories narrated by famous voices, exclusive music from top artists, mindful movement videos, Masterclasses from mindfulness experts, calming soundscapes and nature sounds, breathing exercises, and more.

Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind is a non-profit organisation working to improve the mental health of Australians. Their aim is to promote long-term positive change through evidence-based tools that teach mental fitness skills from a young age to support good mental health and resilience.

Nutrition Tracking

People should ensure that they are getting the right amount of calories each day to meet their nutritional needs and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. 

Some apps have been developed to help you track your nutrition. 

Lite n' Easy 

Mental Health

One application that can be used to track your nutrition is Lite n' Easy. Their app supports weight loss with features like weekly weight and body measurement tracking, easy access to menus, and a 6-week ActiveATE exercise program. Enjoy ongoing support, motivational messages, tips, and advice from Lite n' Easy Dietitians and Well-Being Advisors. With delicious home-delivered meals, you have all you need to succeed on your weight-loss journey. Join thousands of Australians in improving their health and well-being with Lite n' Easy.


MyFitnessPal tracks progress towards your nutrition, water, fitness, and weight-loss goals. It is your mobile fitness trainer. This comprehensive app acts as a nutrition coach, intermittent fasting tracker, meal planner, and food diary, always available for you.

Connecting with Health Professionals and Keeping Track of Medication

Making appointments with health professionals can be a daunting task, but there are a few steps you can take to ensure that you find the best fit for your medical needs, such as researching the professional's credentials, reading online reviews, and asking for recommendations from friends and family, as well as scheduling appointments with multiple professionals to compare their services and get a feel for their bedside manner. And yes, there is an app that can help you with that as well.


One-third of Australians use HotDoc to book appointments and manage their health. The platform helps patients connect with their preferred doctors and clinics by accessing online booking, telehealth, appointment reminders, SMS recalls, mobile check-in, digital registration, prescription renewals and preventive health tools. Their mission is to enhance the healthcare experience for all in Australia.


MedicineWise is an app created to care for you. By providing a safe and secure place to store medical records, creating reminders for drugs and other health precautions, and accessing medicine info, this application offers users a convenient and comprehensive place to manage their health.


Health apps are becoming increasingly popular as a way to track and monitor one's health, providing users with valuable information about their physical and mental well-being, such as their diet, water intake, exercise, sleep patterns, and other lifestyle habits, all of which can have a significant impact on their overall health and well-being of the body and the mind. By using phone apps such as Happify, Calm, and MyFitnessPal, you can create a personalized health plan that includes healthy eating habits, regular workouts, and other activities to help you live a healthier lifestyle.